
101: Who are you, where am I?

Oh hi. I’m Eren Emre. A UX designer living in San Francisco, CA with his love of life Deniz Eda and their lovely doggie Shiva.

And you probably wanted to learn about me, so you visited my web site.

102: What do you do?

Nowadays I design experiments in vertical search for an exciting bay area startup.

You may browse my portfolio or visit my LinkedIn profile. You are always welcome to contact me.

103: May I stalk you?

Yes! I post links and thoughts on Twitter, share my work on Dribbble, unearth coolness via FFFFound and upload media to Instagr.am & Vimeo.

104: I would like to hire you.

You may or may not hire me depending on how big your project is. Since I already work full time, I'm not considering big-scale projects. But if have something fun and smaller, throw me an email, let's talk.

105: Give me some goodies.

I create stuff and here are some:

Oh by the way, I sometimes blog.

Wow, you're one of them!